Header text
10:00 Out of competition/ student films/ M-3/ Competition/ Episode from TV-series/Б-1

Out of competition/ student films/ M-3/ Competition/ Episode from TV-series/Б-1

The North Sea Riviera Ривиерата на Северно море United Kingdom Josh Wedlake 0:11:31
The Boy In The Whale Suit Момчето в костюм на кит Singapore Marie Toh 0:08:25
The Predators Of Transylvania Хищниците на Трансилвания Slovakia Julia Kolenakova 0:06:25
The Tale Of A Pear And A Rabbit Историята на крушата и заека Serbia Dragana Kuprešanin 0:04:08
The Wanderer Скитникът Denmark Simon Ternowitz 0:05:44
Tiong-Too-To Тионг-ту-то Taiwan Yu-Chieh,Chen 0:04:30
Underwater Подводен Israel Tamar Akavia 0:05:00
Vagabond Безделник Denmark Pedro Ivo Carvalho de Araujo Silva 0:07:25
Vis Dubium Силно съмнение Serbia Mihajlo Dragaš 0:06:48
What's Going On With Annie Какво става с Ани Taiwan Hu,Yin-Jia 0:07:00
Wings Крила Israel Keren Rijensky 0:04:20
Wings Of The Comic Artist Крилата на художника на комикси Taiwan Wei, I-An, Lin,Yu-Syuan 0:04:29
With Joy And Merriness С радост и добро настроение Belgium Boukraa Jeanne 0:05:52
Wizards Магьосници Czechia Yana Shevchenko 0:06:45
Woe Is Me Злочеста аз Germany Alma Weber 0:02:23
Tip The Mouse ТИП мишокът Italy Pietro Pinetti, Lisette Looman, Annita Romanelli 0:07:00
Zip Zip Зип Зип: Приказка за една опашка France Lionel Allaix 0:11:35


14:00 Competition/ Short films (up to 10') / E-2

Competition/ Short films (up to 10') / E-2

Love Refrain Любовен рефрен Italy Silvia Capitta, Alessandra Atzori, Francesca de Bassa, Ludovica Di Benedetto 0:07:45
Mr Violet Г-н Виолетко Iran Abbas Jalali Yekta, Mohammad Hossein Azam Pour 0:03:16
My Little House Моята малка къщичка Portugal Maria Raquel Atalaia 0:07:30
Oh Whale О, Кит Switzerland Joana Locher 0:05:50
On The Other Side Of The Woods От другата страна на гората Estonia Anu-Laura Tuttelberg 0:10:00
Once Upon A Thread Имало едно време една нишка Portugal Patrí­cia Figueiredo 0:05:24
One Of A Kind Единствен по рода си United Kingdom Rok Predin 0:03:30
Ordinary Day Ден като ден Bulgaria Gospodin Nedelchev 0:07:50
Osmosis Осмоза Portugal Rui Silva 0:07:06
Pawo (Tibetan for “being brave”) Паво (на тибетски "Смелчаг") Germany Antje Heyn 0:07:38
Prosopon Просопон United States Thomas Thoma 0:04:45
Rice And Matchsticks Ориз и кибритени клечки Spain Javier Beltramono 0:09:00
She-Giraffe Жирафа Russia Anastasiya Sokolova 0:07:45
Sovereign Paperwork Пълновластни документи Uruguay Lala Severi 0:02:52
Taxidermy Препариране Iran Arad Safarzadegan 0:07:30
Teeth Зъби United Kingdom Daniel Gray, Tom Brown 0:06:00


  Competition/ Student films/ З-2/ Short films (up to 1')/ И

Competition/ Student films/ З-2/ Short films (up to 1')/ И

Simorgh Симург United States Meghdad Asadi Lari 0:04:30
Sky High Високо в небето United Kingdom Stewart Powers 0:01:55
Song Of The Man Песен за човека United Kingdom Eleonora Asparuhova 0:06:51
Spring (2) Пролет (2) Czechia Katerina Cupova 0:05:01
The Masterpiece Шедьовърът United Kingdom Krzysztof Satola 0:04:13
The Sheep Shop Овчи магазин Netherlands Jorn Leeuwerink 0:03:16
The Sound Of Crickets Звукът на щурците Switzerland Justine Klaiber 0:06:00
The Strawberry Soup Супа от ягоди Belgium Sylwia Szkiladz 0:05:45
The Violinist Цигуларят Portugal Andre Brites and Bruno Crista, Edgar Neves and Pedro Fontes, Madalena Leitao 0:08:06
Tsunami Цунами Denmark Sofie Kampmark 0:07:13
Tusk Бивници United Kingdom Rory Waudby-Tolley 0:05:16
Unordinary Journey In An Ordinary Day Необикновено пътуване в един обикновен ден Canada Yoshino Aoki 0:03:08
Warm Snow Топъл сняг Israel Ira Elshansky 0:05:23
White Forest Бяла гора Slovakia Marta Prokopovа 0:04:33
Window To Nowhere Прозорец към никъде Russia Maxim Bulakh 0:09:35
Force Of Attraction Притегателна сила Slovakia Eva Sekeresova 0:04:07
Forest Beast Горски звяр Russia Vera Kuznetsova 0:06:52
Gashapon Kou-Lou-Kou-Lou ГАШАПОН КУ-ЛУ-КУ-ЛУ Taiwan Eden Chan, Wei-Yuan Chen, Wen-Yi Chen 0:05:12
Cats Котки United States Neelly Goniodsky 0:01:26
Child's Play Детска игра Belgium Britt Raes, Bert van Haute 0:01:10
Hema 'Warm Winterdays' Хема "Топли зимни дни" Netherlands Thalia de Jong 0:00:21
Iam Ето ме Poland Magdalena Pilecka 0:00:05
Prime Minister Let Go Премиер-министре, давай Turkey Ahmet Gökhan Okur 0:01:10
Printbird Птица от принтера Belgium Gerd de Kinderen 0:01:07
Stalker Преследвач Russia Tatiana Moshkova 0:01:40
That Night Онази нощ United Kingdom Anne Wilkins, Emily Howells 0:01:27
Transition Превръщане Spain Marcos Andavert 0:01:36
Wormy Червясал Bulgaria Nedyalko Nedyalkov 0:01:28
Forming Формиране United Kingdom Matt Abbiss 0:00:25
Untitled 014 Неозаглавено 014 United Kingdom Matt Abbiss 0:01:10


16:00 Competition/ Feature film / В-6/ The Stressfull Adventures of Boxhead & Roundhead

Competition/ Feature film / В-6

The Stressful Adventures Of Boxhead & Roundhead Стресиращите приключения на Кубоглавия и Кръглоглавия Romania Elliot Cowan 1:11:30
  Out of competition/ short films (10 to 45') K-2

Out of competition/ short films (10 to 45') K-2

Mimma Мима France Calvin Antoine Blandin 0:13:00
Northern Starfish Северна морска звезда Estonia Mattias Mälk 0:14:13
Reversed Time Обърнато време Spain Gregorio Muro Arriet, Mikel Muro Basterra 0:13:31
Shouk Шоук Israel Dotan Moreno 0:14:00
The Boffin Bear Учената мечка Russia Andrey Kuznetsov 0:13:25
The Vast Landscape - Porcelain Stories Обширен пейзаж - порцеланови истории Croatia Lea Vidakovic 0:11:00
Dinner For Few Вечеря за малцина United States Nassos Vakalis 0:10:07
Endemic's Greed Ендемитска алчност Poland Natalia Dziedzic 0:11:08








THE GOLDEN APPLE is a fantasy animated series, inspired by Eastern European mythology and folklore.

The story takes place in a vast mountain world, where the fogs come out of the hair of the powerful Zmei spirits, and the personified seasons walk the great forests. It is an epic Balkan fantasy world in which people use magic bells to battle the nightmares – huge shape shifters that feed on human suffering, but also a world in which the song of a Samodiva nymph can be both the most blessed of gifts and the most hated of curses.

Although it is based in an exotic fantasy setting, the narrative of the show will deal with contemporary issues, with which the modern viewer can easily associate – it is a coming of age story, set in a complicated fantasy world faced with climate change, the effects of uncontrolled industrialisation, xenophobia, social exclusion, racism and prolonged conflict.

Each season will consist of 24 episodes, 24 minutes each. It is an animated prime-time adventure epic, in which children will like the action-adventure element, and older audiences will enjoy the exotic setting and contemporary themes of the show. Each episode of the show follows a continuing narrative, which deals with several groups on their journey towards the apple.

BG film - Cinema house program



20:00 Competition/ Feature film / В-8/ Galaxy Trader

Competition/ Feature film / В-8

Galaxy Trader Звездният търговец Bulgaria Svetlin Karlov 1:20:00
  Competition/ Feature film / В-6/ The Stressfull Adventures of Boxhead & Roundhead

Competition/ Feature film / В-6

The Stressful Adventures Of Boxhead & Roundhead Стресиращите приключения на Кубоглавия и Кръглоглавия Romania Elliot Cowan 1:11:30